A+ (90-100%)
A (80-90%)
B (70-80%)
C (60-70%)
D (50-60%)
NR (less than 50%)
Ecological & Environmental
Score : 18
Data shows a high risk of flash flooding within your operating region. Not only does this directly impact risk to your physical assets. But it drives risk of business interruption due to infrastructure damage, and temporary loss of access to your customer-base. Lastly, this directly impacts your employees’ ability to access their place of work – further impacting business interruption.
Data shows a moderate risk of high winds within your operating region. This brings with it the risk of infrastructure damage (potentially to your physical assets) , and interruption of transport services – particularly supply chain access. This will drive up the risk of business interruption due to supply-chain interruptions, infrastructure damage, and temporary loss of access to your customer-base. Lastly, this directly impacts your employees’ ability to access their place of work – further impacting business interruption.
Data shows a high risk of extremely cold temperatures within your operating region. This brings with it low risk of infrastructure damage (potentially to your physical assets), but a high risk of interruption to supply chain access due to damaged / lost agricultural produce. This will present a high risk of business interruption due to supply-chain interruptions, infrastructure damage, and temporary loss of ability to service your customer-base. Lastly, this directly impacts your employees’ ability to access their place of work – further impacting business interruption.
Vulnerability of Population
Score : 25
Data shows that racial minority groups suffer discrimination, higher percentages of poverty / low income and general adversity. Additionally employed members of minority groups usually carry broader / larger responsibility of family financial contribution. Business resilience and performance can be significantly compromised if there is no strategic focus on engaging diversity issues within their organisation to combat bias, discrimination, cultural misunderstanding and low communication levels.
Data shows that single-parent households carry deep financial and resource strain with high levels of stress and burnout. Additionally employees heading single-parent households have limited availability for overtime or travel, and lowered levels of growth ambition. Your business carries medium risk in employing people who head single-parent households as they face certain challenges that may impact them personally, and by extension, the businesses that employ them.
Data shows that there is a very low average percentage of the population covered by Medicare. Employees may face barriers to accessing healthcare, which can lead to health disparities. Your business may experience increased absenteeism and decreased productivity if employees face health challenges that are not able to be adequately addressed.